The International Tinnitus Journal

The International Tinnitus Journal

Official Journal of the Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society
Official Journal of the Brazil Federal District Otorhinolaryngologist Society

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ISSN: 0946-5448

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Exploring Novel Therapies for Psoriasis Management: A Dermatological perspective

Author(s): Yasser Khaled Abdel Karim Masa'deh

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder, and current treatments include topical therapies, phototherapy, systemic immune modulators, and biologics, aiming to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. The prevalence of psoriasis varies globally, affecting around 2% of the population. However, challenges persist, such as adverse effects, treatment resistance, high costs, and variability in response among individuals Phototherapy using PUVA or UVB is another option for moderate to severe cases.The future of psoriasis treatment shows promising emerging trends. New biologic agents targeting novel pathways, such as interleukin 23 inhibitors like mirikizumab, offer enhanced efficacy. Small molecule inhibitors like RORγt inhibitors and ROCK2 inhibitors provide additional treatment options. Combination therapies, including biologics with methotrexate, may improve treatment response. Advancements in topical treatments utilizing microneedles and nanoparticle-based carriers can enhance drug delivery and improve therapeutic outcomes. Biomarkers and multi-omics technologies hold potential for personalized treatment approaches, thus aiding in diagnosis, predicting treatment response, and guiding therapeutic decisions. Collaboration among researchers, clinicians, and industry stakeholders is crucial to translating these scientific break throughs into clinical practice. By addressing current challenges and exploring these promising trends, we can optimize psoriasis management and improve the lives of those affected by this chronic condition.

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