The International Tinnitus Journal

The International Tinnitus Journal

Official Journal of the Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society
Official Journal of the Brazil Federal District Otorhinolaryngologist Society

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ISSN: 0946-5448

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Recent Experience with the Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment

Author(s): John C. Goddard, Karen Berliner and William M. Luxford

This study examines the outcomes of patients undergoing the Neuromonics tinnitus treatment protocol at a single, tertiary referral center over a 2-year period. A retrospective review of patient records was performed with the objective of collecting demographic and audiological information and identifying changes in score on an established tinnitus questionnaire (Tinnitus Reaction Questionnaire [TRQ]) after treatment. Forty-seven patients initiated treatment with the Neuromonics device during the study period. Fourteen patients completed treatment, and another 18 were actively undergoing treatment at the end of the study period. The mean pure-tone average for the study group (N  47) was 23.4 dB for the involved ear. Of those who completed the treatment, the mean posttreatment TRQ score was significantly lower than the pretreatment score ( p ~ .001). Fifteen patients (31.9%) returned the device or did not complete treatment. Across all 47 patients, 48.9% achieved a successful reduction of 40% or greater in TRQ score. There was no correlation among pure-tone average, initial TRQ score or duration of use, and percentage change in TRQ score for those with at least one follow-up test. Based on these preliminary findings, treatment with the Neuromonics device is successful in reducing TRQ scores in appropriately selected patients with tinnitus.