The International Tinnitus Journal

The International Tinnitus Journal

Official Journal of the Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society
Official Journal of the Brazil Federal District Otorhinolaryngologist Society

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Volume 28, Issue 1 / June 2024

Research Article Pages:129-144

Exploring the Efficacy and Molecular Mechanisms of Dingxuan in Alleviating Vertigo Episodes in Meniere's Disease: A Comprehensive Study

Authors: Hongting Wang*, Meimei Tang, Cunqin Wang, Fangfang Wang, Mingjie Wang1, Mengfei Bi, Huihui gao, Rongzhen Zhang, Rongbin Wang



Background: Meniere’s disease (MD) poses a formidable challenge, marked by debilitating symptoms such as vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and aural fullness. The traditional Chinese medicine, Dingxuan, was explored here for its potential in mitigating MD challenges. We investigated Dingxuan’s efficacy in alleviating acute vertigo episodes in patients with MD and sought to understand its impact and underlying molecular mechanisms. Methods: In a clinical trial, Dingxuan was administered to patients experiencing acute vertigo episodes. Additionally, mouse experiments were conducted to assess safety at an elevated dosage, while a guinea pig model was utilized to compare Dingxuan with betahistine. Molecular responses, modulation of water channels, and evaluation of labyrinth hydrops were performed as part of the study. Results: In the clinical trial, Dingxuan significantly reduced the mean frequency of vertigo attacks. Impressively, even at a high dosage, Dingxuan showed no apparent liver or kidney toxicity in mouse experiments. In the guinea pig model, Dingxuan distinctively modulated water channels AQ2 and AQ5, regulated AVP-mediated signaling through cAMP, and ameliorated inner ear labyrinth hydrops. Conclusions: Dingxuan emerges as a promising candidate for treatment of Meniere’sdisease, effectively reducing vertigo frequency. Its safety profile, even at elevated dosages, strengthens its potential for clinical applications. Further research and clinical trials are essential to validate these findings and explore broader implications for Dingxuan use with human subjects.

Keywords: Meniere’s disease, Endolymphatic Hydrops, Water channel modulation, Liver and kidney toxicity, AQP2

Retraction Note

The article entitled “Exploring the Efficacy and Molecular Mechanisms of Dingxuan in Alleviating Vertigo Episodes in Meniere’s Disease: A Comprehensive Study” has been accepted for publication in the “The International Tinnitus Journal” considering the statements provided in the article as personal opinion of the author which was found not having any conflict or biasness towards anything. As the article was a research article, information provided by the author was expressed through publication. Publisher took decision to make the article online solely based on the Editor’s and reviewer’s suggestion. However, it is found that the author has some personal concerns and issues, therefore, being retracted from the journal.


1Department of Surgery-Traumatology, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

2Department of Pain therapy, Pain Clinic De Bilt, De Bilt, The Netherlands

Send correspondence to:
Hongting Wang
Department of Pain therapy, Pain Clinic De Bilt, De Bilt, The Netherlands, E-mail:

Paper submitted on April 25, 2024; and Accepted on May 03, 2024

Citation: Hongting Wang. Exploring the Efficacy and Molecular Mechanisms of Dingxuan in Alleviating Vertigo Episodes in Meniere’s Disease: A Comprehensive Study. Int Tinnitus J. 2024;28(1):129-144