Official Journal of the Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society
Official Journal of the Brazil Federal District Otorhinolaryngologist Society
ISSN: 0946-5448
The International Tinnitus Journal received 12717 citations as per google scholar report
Research Article Pages:235-250
Yasser Mohamed Fadl Ebrahem*, Samah Mohamed Abd El Naser Abouzeid, Omar Al-Sayed Hamada Mahmoud
I aimed the study aimed to prepare an artistic program based on plastic art therapy to develop meta-emotional skills among deaf students in the preparatory stage. The sample consisted of (8) male students aged between (12-16) years. To achieve the study objective, the researchers used a meta-emotional skills scale for deaf students in the preparatory stage prepared by the researchers. The results of the study indicate that there are statistically significant differences between the average ranks of the students of the deaf experimental group in the pre- and post-measurements on the meta-emotional skills scale. There are also statistically significant differences between the average ranks of the students of the deaf experimental group in the post- and post-measurements (2 months after the end of the program implementation) on the meta-emotional skills scale.
Meta-emotional skills, Art therapy, Painting, Ceramic.
The topic of meta-emotion (beyond emotion) has received great attention recently, due to its great impact on the individual’s life. The reason for this is that emotion is a powerful tool that works to bring about positive or negative change towards life and its continuation according to hopes. It leads the individual and controls his decisions. Positive emotion is one of the most important and powerful factors that bring about changes and improve the individual’s psychological state, as it makes the individual always rise towards the better.
This is what he emphasized Richard that beyond emotion helps an individual to better self-regulate, have a better ability to deal with complex social situations, enjoy relationships with others, and improve his physical and mental health [1].
And Abdul-Hussein and Obaid indicate that the term beyond emotion Meta-Emotion is a modern term in psychological therapy. Despite the importance of the concept of meta-emotion, especially in family and school life, and in all aspects of life in general, and the need for all individuals to build a positive meta-emotion based on positive feelings, thoughts and beliefs towards their own and others’ negative emotions, and to accept them, have a positive view of them, learn how to deal with them positively, and transform them into positive energy that is positively reflected on the individuals themselves in the first place and on those they deal with, from their children at home and their students at school [2].
Matar states that an individual’s understanding of his emotions and managing them in a way that is consistent with the stimuli of the situation is a higher level than just emotions towards stimuli, which he called meta-emotion. , A person’s understanding of his own emotions, the emotions of others, and his behavior are important factors in communicating well with others [3].
And Regulating children's emotion syndicates the ability to monitor, evaluate and control emotional responses aimed at achieving personal goals and adapting to social environments and children with emotions the Higher positivity They are more able to modify their emotional expressions and arousal according to their needs and adopt different strategies to regulate their emotions, which helps them adapt to changes in the external social environment. Therefore, it is important to study the factors that facilitate the development of meta-emotional skills [4].
Since humans in general do not live in social isolation, but on the contrary, their existence is linked to others, this imposes that the communication process becomes a necessary need for every human being, and the success of interpersonal interaction requires that individuals have a high ability to evaluate and organize the emotions and sub-emotions that emerge during the communication process, since this aspect is important and influential in the human personality. If this ability is affected by the extent to which individuals have emotional control and organization, which is reflected in making the appropriate decision in their relationships and life matters [5].
The American Art Therapy Association defines art therapy as the therapeutic use of artistic production, within the confines of a professional relationship, by individuals suffering from illness, trauma, or life difficulties, and by individuals seeking personal growth. Through the creation of art and the contemplation of its production and processes, individuals can increase their awareness of themselves and others, cope with their symptoms, illness, stress, and trauma, improve their cognitive abilities, and enjoy the inherent pleasure of life through the work of art.
And confirm Wexler, Alice Expressive art therapy is an alternative to learning, and programs of this type describe the difficulties that the art therapist faces in his role as an art teacher. When we find a specific problem such as poor social adjustment, impulse control, or academic learning, the answer is advanced work to confront education and art therapy. The therapist must go wherever the patient finds effective so that the individual's perceptions can expand. There are successful models for the work of the art therapist and the art teacher, namely Victor Lowenfeld and Edith Kramer [6].
Through art, a deaf teenager can express many feelings safely and relieved from internal pressures while creating beautiful forms [7], In addition to the use of artistic expression in solving emotional problems for deaf adolescents, it can also be used to solve educational problems. He can be taught to express himself in writing through art in an easier way that enables him to transform the language of communication step by step towards visual reinforcement as a necessity and carefully plan artistic activities that allow him opportunities to think and understand academic tasks in an unexpected way that brings him comfort and represents a challenge for him and his teachers [8].
And the remarkable progress in art education and the visual arts has led to a revolution in the various trends of art education. Visual art is no longer a painting to be drawn, or a sculpture to be sculpted, but has gone beyond that to become one of the therapeutic methods recognized at the local and international levels, which has called for...Researchers Specialists and those interested in this field are keen to present what is new in the field of art, which has led to the emergence of new trends in art and art education, including treatment through visual art, which is concerned with diagnosing and treating various cases of psychological illnesses and rehabilitating some cases of chronic illnesses [9].
Art therapy has proven to be very effective according to studies in treating children’s psychological problems. Through the art (drawing, painting, ceramics, etc.) that the child does, we reach the incomprehensible part of his behavior and feelings, or unconscious matters that are not apparent, and identify his problems. The child is automatically inclined to embody, so he quickly engages in the activity when the opportunity is available, thereby projecting everything that is stirring in his intimate self, including his desires, hopes, fears, and difficulties, finding thereby pleasure, relief, and more self-expression [10].
Art education is one of the important approaches to reducing behavioral problems among individuals, as the use of art is considered an important means through which the characteristics of an individual’s personality can be revealed. Therefore, art education contributes to achieving psychological balance and stability and provides an opportunity to express the components of the individual and relieve the severity of the pressures he faces, which contributes to reducing violent behaviors in him [11].
Art therapy is one of the modern therapeutic fields that is renewed day after day in light of scientific development with its entire modern scientific means. It is based on adapting artistic visual activities and employing them in an organized and planned manner to achieve diagnostic, therapeutic, and psychological developmental purposes by using possible artistic media and materials in individual or group activities, directed or optional, according to the goals of the treatment plan and the development of its stages [12].
As you can see Shorea & Rush that art-based therapy means emphasizing the use of drawings and scribbles to encourage patients with psychological disorders to freely express themselves, and to reflect their activities and emotions within these scribbles or similar artistic products [13].
Study problem
Researchers observed during field training in schools: Hope for the Deaf in Preparatory Stage There are some students who suffer from psychological disorders and some psychosomatic disorders, as a result of psychological pressures and aggression, which affect their behavior .they In addition to that, they suffer from many negative problems, which include the inability to control emotions after each situation, and when he gets angry, he acts without thinking and cannot control his emotions. The student expects everything negative while doing something, and researchers attribute all these disorders to for What the student lacks in terms of the ability to communicate with his surroundings, In turn, social and emotional maladjustment, and art therapy may be one of the ways that help reduce the severity of these psychological disorders, due to the fact that art is characterized by relieving to For compressed mental energy.
Therefore, developing meta-emotional skills in young people may be one of the ways to help reduce the severity of these psychological disorders, as visual art is characterized by its ability to release compressed psychological energy. On the other hand, neglecting to develop these skills may make them vulnerable to failure in all aspects of their lives, whether social, academic, or professional [14].
In light of the above, the problem of the current study is defined in the following question
What is the effectiveness of an art therapy program in developing meta-emotional skills among students? Deaf in middle school?
Several sub-questions branch out from the previous question
Are there statistically significant differences between the average ranks of the study sample scores in the pre- and post-measurements on the meta-emotional skills scale among students? Deaf in middle school Post-program trend? Are there statistically significant differences between the average ranks of the study sample scores in the two post-measurements? And the follower on the scale of meta-emotional skills of students Deaf in middle school after Two months after the program was implemented?
Study objectives
Goal the current study to
- Preparing an art program based on visual art therapy to develop meta-emotional skills among deaf students in middle school.
- Preparing a tool to measure meta-emotional skills among deaf students in middle school.
Importance of the study
First: Theoretical importance
- Improving the mental health of deaf students in middle school, and developing their meta-emotional skills.
- Directing the attention of those responsible for teaching art to the necessity of paying attention to developing meta-emotional skills through the fields of art education.
- The study reveals the emotional problems suffered by deaf students in middle school through the sample and how to deal with them through visual art.
Second: Practical importance
- Linking the theoretical aspect of science with the practical aspect of art in knowing the extent of the effectiveness of the proposed artistic program in the current study in developing meta-emotional skills among deaf students in the preparatory stage.
Study limitations
Limit Spatial: Schools of A centre for the deaf and hard of hearing in Lebanon Square I Circuit Giza, Egypt.
Limit Temporal: The proposed art therapy program was implemented. In The year Academic (2023-2024 AD)
Limit Human: The study was limited to a sample of Students Deaf in stage Preparatory, Number of them8) T Male Lab Their ages ranged between (12 - 16) years.
Objective limit: Meta-emotional skills, Fine art, ceramic art, Meta-emotional skills Deaf students in middle school.
Termsthe study
- Meta-emotional skills: Negative emotions are the negative feelings, perceptions, and actions related to emotion. Negative emotions are not necessarily bad or maladaptive feelings. Rather, the term negative emotion is used to describe feelings that are usually unpleasant (e.g. sadness, anger, fear). Positive emotions are those that are usually pleasant (e.g. happiness). In the philosophy of meta-emotions, all emotions are described as adaptive [15].
It is known procedurally as: These are the skills that help the individual judge his own and others’ negative and positive emotions and work in turn to control and organize these emotions to make sound decisions in different situations. They include:
• Meta-emotional consciousness: It is directing the individual’s attention towards his internal emotions that he experiences in a way that makes it easy for his mind to notice that, i.e. to be aware of his emotional state as well as his awareness of the emotions of others.
• Meta-emotional management: This skill is the individual's ability to plan the processes necessary to manage his emotions and the emotions of others, which aims to make decisions in the present and have an impact on the future.
• Meta Emotional Rating: This skill is the individual's ability to evaluate his own and others' emotional performance.
• Art therapy: Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that helps professionals resolve conflicts, improve interpersonal skills, understand behavior, and reduce negative stress. It is a therapy that uses activities to enhance communication. The British Association of Therapists defines it as a form of psychotherapy that is used as a primary means of communicating with others.
• Deaf students: they Students who have lost their hearing Since birth They suffer from obstacles in communicating with others and not showing their abilities, which in turn leads to their not participating in society equally with others. Communication is done through language. Pointing, lip reading, fingerspelling, and total communication.
Meta-emotional Meta-emotion
Meta-emotion was first used by Gottman in a study of how parents deal with their children. The term meta-emotion refers to a specific set of emotional responses, awareness, understanding, evaluation, and application of various emotional behaviors of oneself or others, with the function of perceiving, directing, and expressing feelings [16].
While indicating Jeffrey Stover (2003) states that meta-emotionality is the individual's feelings towards the feelings of others. It is often used more broadly to refer to both thoughts and feelings about emotions. That are around him. For example, a person may be angry, but he is worried about being angry or rejected. The worry or rejection is part of what is behind the person's emotion.
Meta-emotion (post-emotion) is known as (Meta emotion) AGottman (Gottman) that A:"A set of hypothetical patterns that express a description of an individual's emotional state at a given moment, such as fear, anger, and other emotions [17].
As it indicates Jung states that this term encompasses an important topic, which is how one views, and deals with positive and negative emotions, and that a person has a working philosophy of meta-emotion, which guides their behaviors in response to their emotions as well as the emotions of others. Gottman has identified four different types of meta-emotional philosophies: emotion, training, rejection, and non-interference [18].
As He knows it Matar that it is the thoughts, beliefs and feelings towards individuals towards their emotions and the emotions of others, especially the negative ones, and how to deal with them and organize them in light of that.
Meta Skills Properties Emotional
Meta-emotion is characterized by many properties, including the reflective property, and serves regulatory functions. It is a set of properties necessary for managing and modifying emotions in the student. The student can use his negative emotions to improve positive emotions, and it also helps him in improving his own emotions, and enables him to use problem-solving skills in different situations [19].
Models of interpretation and understanding of meta-emotion
Bar-On model, also called the psychological adaptation model, includes five meta-emotional skills: personal emotional regulation skills. Self-actualization and interpersonal components. Adaptability skills, stress management skills, and general mood skills [20], Mayer and salovey model Mayer & salovey. This model assumes the idea that emotions contain information related to the internal relationships of the individual's psyche and external relationships related to other individuals. When a change occurs in the individual's relationship with others, then his emotions it changes accordingly [21].
The components of meta-emotion in three basic aspects: Meta-emotional experiences, which represent the individual’s experience of his own emotions and the emotions of others. Meta-emotional knowledge: that is, how the individual perceives and thinks about his own emotions and the emotions of others, both of which are parallel to the awareness and acceptance component in the Gottman et al. model. As for the aspect of meta-emotional skills, which is the third aspect, the skills indicate the organizational mental processes that the individual employs to control and express his emotions [19].
Art Therapy: Art therapy emerged in Europe and the United States of America. It was then introduced to the Arab world at a later time after its concepts and benefits were established in the Western world, and its appearance is attributed to after the emergence of Freud's psychoanalysis and Jung's analytical psychology, and with the passage of time and the rapid development of this field, it has become more diverse. Uses Art in psychotherapy until the 1990s brought more comprehensive insights into Use Art as a tool for therapy and away from the separation between art psychotherapy and art therapy [22].
According to the American Art Therapy Association, art therapy effectively supports personal and psychological treatment goals as well as community concerns, just like other treatments such as psychotherapy and medication [20].
And Art therapy is a tool that can promote social, educational, and cultural integration. It is not a new field but is often unknown and a young field that is still being recognized as a legitimate practice by the psychological profession. The artistic content of clients' drawings is believed to be a window into the soul; the properties of the media and their effects on therapeutic processes are well understood and documented; and art therapy is an effective, evidence-based treatment.
Fine art is one of the types of visual arts through which artistic expression is practiced, whether it is intellectual expression or the expression of feelings and emotions that lie within the individual and cannot find an outlet for them in reality, so he turns to expressing them through artistic expression. This type of art includes many fields, including the art of drawing, the art of fine art Painting, ceramics and clay arts, the art of design, and other artistic fields that are studied by art students and practiced by fine artists and given to our children in educational curricula through the art education course [23].You will serveIn the current study My field (Art of Fine Arts and Ceramics).
Art Therapy is a system that combines elements of psychotherapy and creative work through the use of various artistic media .in Artistic visual activities through which the patient can express himself, communicate non-verbally, vent and reveal the unconscious by projecting feelings, emotions and conflicts into the product. Technical, and then talk about her which helps him to understand the reality of his problems underlying his illness and work to solve them [24].
Art Therapy must be true to both art and therapy. Art therapy is defined as procedures designed to help bring about positive changes in personality or life that last the same session, and art as a means of discovering oneself and the world, establishing a relationship between the two. She also described art as a meeting place for the inner and outer worlds. Her statement about their relationship is clear [25].
Specific objectives For Art therapy
The specific goals of art therapy vary depending on the type of problem the patient is suffering from when seeking art therapy .Levick points out that art therapy aims to provide an experience Ventilation By using art as an outlet for inner feelings and experiences, strengthening the ego, reducing feelings of anxiety and tension, reducing feelings of depression, and developing the ability to integrate and communicate [26].
Emotional processing has been linked to improved physical and mental health and consists of (1) awareness, (2) acceptance, and (3) expression of emotions. Increased emotional awareness occurs when knowledge is transferred from sensory or physical information to explicit thought patterns that involve conscious processing through language or other symbolic representations, such as visual art [27].
Art contributes to revealing the latent abilities within the injured or disabled person, by strengthening the client’s self-relationship with himself and with others, correcting his current condition, and moving from isolation to positive adaptation to the effects of the disability or injury.
Indicates that the special need for art for hearing-impaired children is an alternative to speech, as they need more than one opportunity to organize their thoughts, express themselves, and adapt to the strength of their feelings through art. Art education programs for hearing-impaired people have provided opportunities for cognitive growth, innovation, and psychological interaction with art tools that enable them to deal with stress and reflect their feelings individually or collectively. They also contribute to modifying their violent aggressive behaviour, especially during adolescence, where the disabled teenager can safely launch or retreat, especially when anxious. Through the poured materials, balls, and cavities that he forms, he can get rid of his physical restrictions and express strong feelings of fear or anger that are difficult for him to express directly, especially when he feels aggressive or dependent on others. Feelings are available and released through communication in art workshops [28].
Artistic expression is considered one of the most important therapeutic methods for children with mild hearing impairment .,Because it helps them develop verbal and non-verbal communication skills and their visual sensory perception through shape vocabulary such as color, line, size, distance, dimension, and tactile perception through touching surfaces and materials and developing social communication skills by displaying their artwork (collected and flat) to family members and society and interpreting the artwork, so they feel proud and that they are no less important than the rest of the family or society members and reducing the severity of psychological disorders, especially anxiety .And depression Which accompanies hearing impairment, so artistic expression is considered one of the most important means of verbal and non-verbal communication to acquire concepts and experiences [19, 21, 23, 29, 30].
Numbers explained that art therapy depends in its methods and techniques on allowing unconscious materials to express themselves spontaneously through artistic media and materials. It also depends on developing a close relationship between the client and the therapist to encourage the process of free association, in order to extract data, analyses and interpretations through artistic activities, designs, shapes, symbols and their meanings, which represent a form of non-verbal communication .Verbal But it is symbolic between the client and the therapist, as Numbers mentioned that the products presented through artistic activities and expressions are more stable, as their contents are not affected by forgetting, in addition to being difficult to deny, and that through art therapy, the opportunity is available to encourage the client’s independence through his increasing contributions in translating his feelings and interpreting his own creations, and the client will gradually get rid of Approved On the processor and replaces it with his own art [31].
The child, during his adaptation processes, expresses his inner feelings and thoughts to express himself, as the visual language becomes an important means of communicating with others and conveying what is going on. In His thinking, as the content of artistic expression as an expressive language is not equal to the content of speech, artistic activities are a language that combines the therapeutic, ventilatory and symbolic aspects and their symbols carry many meanings and psychological and expressive connotations, therefore the symbols expressing the patient's condition appear through deletion, exaggeration and addition so that he can express his internal conflicts in artistic activities that express his psychological state [32].
Visual art is a language of expression and communication that does not require the use of words. Therefore, it is easy for a child with a mild intellectual disability to communicate with others around him through the language of drawing and pictures without the need to speak words that explain to them what he wants and needs to him [33].
The importance of art therapy
Art Therapy helps manage emotions such as anger .Designed for people Those who suffer from emotional disturbance and it is easy to read And understand and help In getting rid of anger through relaxation, such as drawing and through art, it becomes necessary to have information about how different types of anger affect art and that art therapy is a process available to everyone because we all have feelings that need to be expressed and dealt with in a healthy way .on For example, there are different types of art to reduce stress. Art therapy can also help people cope with more physical problems, such as chronic pain and heartache due to a serious illness. Art therapy is also helpful for people dealing with grief or loss because it allows them to express about their feelings without focusing on their negative feelings [34].
Through art therapy, the person expresses himself and his experiences in a safe and non-verbal manner, which helps establish trust and makes him, feel very reassured in his therapeutic work. One of the distinctive and unique characteristics of art therapy is that it gives the person the opportunity to express his thoughts and feelings through visual images, whether drawing, Painting or sculpture. However, in this study, we specialize in drawing and coloring, as they are the easiest and easiest expressive formulas that the person uses in an automatic and simple way without thinking or preparing for the event. These creative processes are a source of information for both the client and the therapist or psychoanalyst, and this reduces the severity of anxiety and tension in the person and makes him more prepared to express himself openly. Likewise, artistic expression through movement and color helps to release internal emotions and free venting [35].
Art Therapy is a means of projecting an individual's fears, feelings and attitudes, and a means of venting pressures, tensions and the subconscious. It embodies emotions, conflicts, obsessions and problems through visual coding, which leads to liberation from the grip of conflict. A compensatory means for feelings of social, psychological and physical deficiency. It leads to a feeling of greater success, ability to achieve, self-confidence and getting rid of experiences of failure and frustration.
Art Therapy has been used since ancient times to alleviate emotional and behavioral disorders, and it was used as a treatment for mental patients. Children’s drawings were also used to learn about what was inside them, analyze their personalities, and identify their mental abilities, as is the case in the Draw a Man test by Judith Harris [12].
The foundations on which art therapy is based
Unconscious feelings and thoughts are more easily expressed spontaneously in images than in words. The individual's projection of his inner conflicts into visual form requires no skill or artistic training. The artistic expression produced in art therapy embodies unconscious material such as dreams, conflicts, and childhood memories. He works On projecting internal conflicts and fears into a visual image, crystallizing them into a fixed, tangible form that resists oblivion and is evidence of starting Conflicts of the Unconscious.
Treatment stages by art
Recent studies have shown that drawing can be a bridge of communication between the patient and the therapist to exchange ideas between them and reveal the patient’s internal conflicts, as a person has the ability to transform ideas into images to the same extent that he can transform images into ideas and words. Drawing is an effective treatment and an easy means of communication with those who do not wish to speak or find problems in expressing themselves or their problems.
There are three stages in the art therapy process
1. The beginning of the art therapy process
2. In the middle of the art therapy process
3. End of art therapy process [36].
Study Method
I adopted The study was based on the descriptive, analytical and experimental approach, as they are suitable for its nature and type, where Follow The descriptive analytical approach to collect data and information, analyze and classify them in relation to the theoretical framework and previous studies that addressed the problems of meta-emotional skills among deaf students in the preparatory stage, and to determine the characteristics of the study sample and their needs.
The experimental approach to testing the effectiveness of an art program based on plastic art therapy to develop meta-emotional skills in a random sample of deaf students in middle school.
Tools the study
- Meta-emotional skills scale for deaf students in middle school
- Psychometric properties of the scale: The researchers in the current study verified the validity of the scale for use in light of its stability and Honesty and internal consistency, this is as follows
First: Validity of the scale: Researchers relied on two types of validity in calculating the validity of the scale: validity internal consistency the truth related to the criterion can be discussed as follows:
Internal consistency: The researchers relied on calculating the internal consistency of the scale by calculating the correlation coefficients between the score of each statement and the dimension to which it belongs, the score of each dimension and the total score of the scale. , And the (Table 1) the following explains this:
phrase | Correlation coefficient | phrase | Correlation coefficients | phrase | Correlation coefficients |
1 | 0.691 | 13 | 0.827 | 25 | 0.846 |
2 | 0.774 | 14 | 0.831 | 26 | 0.748 |
3 | 0.735 | 15 | 0.695 | 27 | 0.697 |
4 | 0.801 | 16 | 0.741 | 28 | 0.8 |
5 | 0.697 | 17 | 0.885 | 29 | 0.747 |
6 | 0.875 | 18 | 0.834 | 30 | 0.822 |
7 | 0.807 | 19 | 0.721 | 31 | 0.817 |
8 | 0.724 | 20 | 0.727 | 32 | 0.761 |
9 | 0.871 | 21 | 0.708 | 33 | 0.741 |
10 | 0.754 | 22 | 0.897 | 34 | 0.808 |
Dimension | Correlation coefficient | Dimension | Correlation coefficient | Dimension | Correlation coefficient |
the first | 0.479 | the Second | 0.512 | the third | 0.453 |
Table 1: Internal consistency of the meta-emotional skills scale (n =40)
It is clear from the (Table 1) The previous one is that all the scale phrases are related to the degrees of the dimensions to which they belong, and all the scale dimensions are related to the total degree, which indicates the relationship of the scale phrases to its dimensions and the relationship of the dimensions to the total degree, which indicates that the scale has appropriate internal consistency.
External criterion validity
In the current study, the researchers verified the validity of the scale through criterion validity; they applied the scale beyond emotion, as a benchmark for Meta skills. User affectivity in the current study on participants in verifying the psychometric properties of the scale 40 student the correlation coefficient reached (0.834) indicating the validity of the scale.
Second: Scale stability: The researchers in the current study verified the stability of the scale. Scale there is two types of reliability: reliability by Cronbach's alpha, and reliability by re-measurement using the split-half method. They can be discussed as follows:
Cronbach's Alpha Method: This method depends on calculating the alpha coefficient for the scale after deleting the statement score, and calculating the alpha coefficient for the scale as a whole (Table 2). The next shows the values of the alpha coefficients after deleting the expression:
phrase | Alpha coefficient value | phrase | Alpha coefficient value | phrase | Alpha coefficient value |
1 | 0.792 | 11 | 0.798 | 21 | 0.8 |
2 | 0.793 | 12 | 0.805 | 22 | 0.808 |
3 | 0.807 | 13 | 0.811 | 23 | 0.812 |
4 | 0.799 | 14 | 0.81 | 24 | 0.801 |
5 | 0.812 | 15 | 0.795 | 25 | 0.799 |
6 | 0.8 | 16 | 0.805 | 26 | 0.794 |
7 | 0.802 | 17 | 0.798 | 27 | 0.807 |
8 | 0.798 | 18 | 0.798 | 28 | 0.798 |
9 | 0.795 | 19 | 0.799 | 29 | 0.798 |
10 | 0.807 | 20 | 0.812 | 30 | 0.748 |
Table 2: Alpha coefficient values for the scale Meta Skills emotional=40)
It is clear from the (Table 1) The previous alpha coefficient values for all statements express their stability, as the alpha coefficient decreased by deleting the statement .in Most of the scale, did not change and remained constant. In some of the phrases did not exceed the alpha coefficient for the scale as a whole, which indicates that all the phrases of the scale are important and deleting them may negatively affect it, which indicates that the phrases of the scale are characterized by adequate stability?
How to fix it by re-installing application Scale: The researchers calculated the reliability coefficient of the scale. Meta-emotional skills in a replay way application Scale on Participants in the validation of psychometric properties 40 student, with a time difference of 15 days and a schedule of 2 the following shows the correlation coefficients between the scores of the two applications:
It is clear from the (Table 3) that all correlation coefficients between the application of the scale and its reapplication for all its dimensions and total degree Acceptable, Where the correlation coefficients ranged between (0.724), and (0.822) and it is Acceptable reliability coefficients, and hence can be trusted as an indicator of the stability of the scale.
Dimension | Correlation coefficient | Dimension | Correlation coefficients |
Meta-consciousness is emotional. | 0.807 | Meta Emotional Management | 0.822 |
Meta-emotional evaluation | 0.724 | Total score | 0.817 |
Table 3: Scale stability Meta-emotional skills by replay application Scale
Secondly: Art-based therapeutic program to develop meta-emotional skills among deaf students in the stage Preparatory
The therapeutic program based on visual art was built .Using my fields (Art of Fine Arts and Ceramics) To develop meta-emotional skills for deaf students in middle school, which consists of 15 Session 12 sat down and they used the art of plastic art, and 3 sessions used the art of ceramics. And each session continued 45 Minutes, and each session includes the activities, procedures, and objectives of the session, as well as the techniques and tools used in it. The researchers built the therapeutic program based on the art of painting. To develop meta-emotional skills after referring to some studies such as the study [21,29, 37], which are studies based on art therapy for normal people in general and the hearing impaired in particular. The sessions dealt with developing both meta-awareness and Emotional development of deaf middle school students and meta-emotional management And I have deaf students in middle school.
Authenticity procedures Program
It was completed Verifying the validity of the program used in the current study, By presenting it to a group of specialized judges consisting of 6 judges in special education and plastic arts., The program was validated and the judges indicated that the program was appropriate for the study current.
General objective for the program
Development some meta-emotional skills of deaf students in middle school through art Plastic.
Specific objectives of Program
- Get to know I some Meta skills Emotionality and its importance to me Students Deaf in Preparatory stage.
- Get to know I Art therapy I have a plastic Students Deaf in Preparatory stage.
Program Limits
- Spatial boundaries for the program: Schools of Center for the deaf and hard of hearing in Lebanon Square I Circuit Giza
- Time limits for the program: The year Academic year 2023-2024.
- Border Objectivity For the program: the fields of fine art and ceramics.
The first program idea based on the art of fine art Painting
came The first idea of the program is through Employing the special aesthetics of the method of pouring acrylic colors onto the surface of the painting and employing Capabilities And values the color Expressive To create colour combinations that contain visual perceptions with expressive and abstract features. It was taken into consideration that the paintings in the first sessions be simple, such as (expressing the emotions of a human face) as in appearance Y (Figure 1(A&B)) It is graded to include several overlapping colors to express (a clear, multi-vocabulary word) as in appearance Y (Figure 1(C&D)) , and then The use of color formations and their implications and meanings After printing it as is on Canson paper sizeA4, then use them as panels. Projective in the program treatment Y with visual art to develop meta-emotional skills in student’s deaf at the stage preparatory. Digital technologies have also been employed. On the same previous color formations as a model to confirm and highlight the Relationships the Formal Abstract expressive features to be presented to the study sample during the application of the program, and they are shown in (Figures 2(A)).
Figure 2 Board at spilled colors Acrylic paints (after digital techniques) from the works of researchers.
Procedures therapeutic program using the first study idea
The existing treatment program was built on The method of pouring colors in the field of fine art to develop meta-emotional skills among deaf students in the preparatory stage, which is from(12) session, Includes Teach session has goals. And Activities and procedures as follow:
First session until four
- The goal the year from session: development Meta-emotional consciousness.
- Sub-goal: Developing contemplation, observation and perception.
- Session time: 45 minutes.
Tools and methods used
Board at spilled colors Acrylic paints in shapes (1, 2, 3, 4), and white markers.
Method and procedures
A. It was completed direct attention Students Deaf (study sample) about contemplation Board and spilled colors, and note Formal indications and monitoring for his condition Emotional in His awareness M For meaningful shapes and then asked to define them in white.
B. It was directed every student to write the name of the shape that was perceived after being affected by the color group below the picture.
C. The output of each work that had a formal significance was shown to all sample members to see what had been done. His awareness and accept them for the emotions of others in the color group to each other.
Session five to eight
The goal the year from session: administration Meta-emotional.
Sub-goal: Ability to Planning and administration thee motion and decision making.
Session time: 45 minutes.
Tools and methods used
- Boarders pilled colors after performing digital techniques forms (Figures 2(B))
- Board at spilled colors- Output First to fourth session- The forms that were confirmed in the previous sessions by the study sample are (Figures 2(C)), and white markers.
Method and Procedures
A- It was completed direct attention Students Deaf (study sample) about contemplation Board And spilled colors After performing digital techniques (Figures 2(D)), as a model to identify how to plan to make a decision in emphasizing or deleting color spaces to emphasize the features of the perceived shape from the poured color group, and note Formal connotations have the same meaning.
B- It was completed direct attention Students Deaf (study sample)about use white marker pen in Managing their emotions towards emphasizing the perceived shapes in their works resulting from the previous four sessions with the freedom to color the shape itself or the background of the shape.
C- The output of each session was passed on to all sample members to find out His awareness and accept them for the emotions of others.
This session was repeated (4) times using another board of the poured color boards after performing the digital techniques, (Figures 3).
Below is (Figure 4) which shows: Samples of the work of the fifth to eighth sessions.
Session nine to twelve
The goal the year from session meta-emotional rating.
Sub-objective: The student’s ability to expressing feelings and Assessing his own and others' emotional performance.
Session time: 45 minutes.
Tools and methods used
-Board and spilled colors which was confirmed with a white marker in the form 10 and yellow markers.
Method and Procedures
A. The sample works resulting from sessions (5-8) were photographed and printed and distributed to the sample members in an intentional manner so that each student would take the work of the other.
B. Done direct attention each individual from the (study sample) about contemplation Board And the other and evaluate the formal implications present in the work.
C. Allow each student in the study sample used yellow highlighter pen in confirming his own feelings as shown in (Figure 5).
D. The output of each session was passed on to all sample members to find out His awareness and their evaluation for the emotions of others.
This session was repeated (4) times, with the distribution of printed pictures being intentionally alternating among the sample members, so that each student would take another colleague’s work.
Second: The second idea of the program is based on art Porcelain
came The idea of the second study tool is through Employing the aesthetics of style (Integrated porcelain) by showing a video to the study sample explaining Combine white, red and grey ceramic clays (and make a set of ceramic slices with many overlapping colour, and employ Potential and the Values The expressiveness of those colors to Making ceramic tiles of various shapes (square, circular, rectangular, star, etc.)It contains visual perceptions with expressive and abstract features .And sunken and raised textures on the surface of the tiles to emphasize and highlight the Relationships the Formal Textural and color effects With abstract expressive features, it was taken into consideration that the ceramic clays be combined randomly in the first sessions, and the aim of them was (to create an emotional state for the deaf students in the study sample while combining the multi-colored clays). In the following sessions, a group of ceramic slices were made using wooden uniqueness, including several overlapping colors with many color effects. In the last sessions, molds and sectors were used to make small ceramic tiles containing Color combinations include: A group of the Insinuations and the formations and shapes are as follows (Figure 6).
Procedures Therapeutic program using the second study idea
The existing treatment program was builtonporcelain blending style in Art of T My format for developing meta-emotional skills in students Deaf in Preparatory stage, which consists of (3) sessions in cludes teach session has goals. And activities and procedures as follow
First session
- The goal the year from session: development Meta-emotional consciousness.
- Sub-goal: Developing contemplation, observation and perception.
- Session time: 45 minutes.
Tools and methods used
Various colored ceramic clays (white-Red-gray).
Method and Procedures
A-It was completed direct attention Students The deaf (study sample) were taught to combine ceramic clays with each other in several different ways. After showing an explanatory video on the methods of combining ceramic clays, the clays were carefully combined and kept in a tightly sealed bag to maintain their plasticity. As an exercise on developing contemplation and observing the mixing of ceramic clay colors with each other while kneading and merging the clays for the deaf students in the study sample, with monitoring .Condition Students' emotional intelligence While kneading and mixing the clays, they were aware of the colour effects resulting from the mixing of white, red and grey clays.
Session Second
- The goal the year from session: administration Meta-emotional.
- Sub-goal: Ability to Planning and administration thee motion and decision making.
- Session time: 45 minutes.
Tools and methods used
- Multi-colored compact ceramic clays (Figure 7- A, B, C, D)
- Wooden spatula for rolling out ceramic clay slices.
- A piece of cloth and a metal wire for cutting clay slices, shape (Figure 8)
Method and Procedures
A-It was completed direct attention Students Deaf (study sample) about Making a ceramic slice using the combined ceramic clay and the wooden trowel after showing an explanatory video on how to make ceramic slices using the appropriate tools, (Figure 8) as a training on how to plan and make decisions to confirm some of the effects resulting from combining ceramic clays by using the thin metal wire to make sections and slices of various thicknesses from the combined clay mass.
Session Third:
the goal The year from session Meta-emotional rating.
Sub-objective: The student’s ability to expressing feelings and Assessing his own and others' emotional performance.
Session time:45 minutes.
Tools and methods used
- Porcelain chips produced in the second session.
- Molds and sectors of various shapes and sizes, (Figure 9)
- Ceramic tools for making raised and sunken textures, shape (Figure 10)
Method and Procedures
A. The deaf students (study sample) were directed to make a set of small ceramic tiles using molds and sectors of various sizes and shapes containing overlapping color formations and effects to train on decision-making to confirm some of the effects resulting from merging multi-colored ceramic clays to make ceramic tiles with overlapping color effects, and then the students were directed to make some raised and sunken textures using ceramic shaping tools to confirm these effects, and then the resulting ceramic tiles were distributed to the sample members in an intentional manner so that each student takes the work of the other.
B. It is done direct attention Students Deaf (study sample) about Consider the small tiles produced by the study sample members and evaluate the significance. The formal and visual effects of ceramic tiles.
C. Allows Each student in the study sample used Ceramic shaping tools to create some textures in affirming his own feelings additionally to his colleague's work.
D. The output of each session was passed on to all sample members to find out His awareness and their evaluation for the emotions of others.
E. The exchange and distribution of ceramic tiles was repeated in the same session among the sample members in an intentional manner so that each student took the work of another colleague.
It deals with Researchers in this section: Results the study, Interpretation and discussion of these results in light of the theoretical basis of the study and its experimental design and the results of previous studies.
The first hypothesis and its results:
The hypothesis states the first However: There are statistically significant differences between Mediterranean sort students Experimental group Deaf in Pre and post measurements on Meta-emotional Skills Scale, to test The validity of this assumption The researchers used the Wilcoxon rank sum test for the associated scores, and (Table 4) shows the result of this procedure.
Dimensions | Rank differential trend | N | Average Rank | Total ranks | values | Significance level |
Meta-consciousness is emotional. | Negative | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.54 | function at level 0.01 |
Positive | 8 | 4.5 | 36 | |||
Equal | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
Meta Emotional Management | Negative | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.53 | function at level 0.01 |
Positive | 8 | 4.5 | 36 | |||
Equal | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
Meta-emotional evaluation | Negative | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.54 | function at level 0.01 |
Positive | 8 | 4.5 | 36 | |||
Equal | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
Total score | Negative | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.52 | function at level 0.01 |
Positive | 8 | 4.5 | 36 | |||
Neutral | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Table 4: Significance of differences between means sort the experimental group in the pre- and post-measurements of the meta-emotional skills scale
It is clear from the (Table 4) The previous results showed that there were statistically significant differences at a significance level of (0.01) between the average ranks of the deaf students in the experimental group before and after applying the program, on all Dimensions Meta-emotional skills scale and the total score For scale in Measurement direction The dimension, which means improved grades .students Experimental group Deaf After being exposed to the program sessions.
The second hypothesis and its results
The hypothesis states the second However: There are statistically significant differences between Mediterranean sort students Experimental group Deaf In dimensional and tracking measurements (2 months after the end of the program) Meta-emotional Skills Scale", to test The validity of this assumption The researchers used the Wilcoxon rank sum test for the associated scores, and (Table 5) shows the result of this procedure
Dimensions | Rank differential trend | N | Average Rank | Total ranks | values | Significance level |
Meta-consciousness is emotional. | Negative | 2 | 1.5 | 3 | 1.41 | Not significant |
Positive | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
Equal | 6 | |||||
Meta Emotional Management | Negative | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | Not significant |
Positive | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||
Equal | 7 | |||||
Meta-emotional evaluation | Negative | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Not significant |
Positive | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
Equal | 7 | |||||
Total score | Negative | 2 | 2.25 | 4.5 | 0.82 | Not significant |
Positive | 1 | 1.5 | 1.5 | |||
Neutral | 6 |
Table 5: Significance of differences between means Rank the experimental group in the post- and follow-up measurements of the meta-emotional skills scale
It is clear from the (Table 5) The previous lack of statistically significant differences between Average ranks of deaf students In the experimental group in The two standards The dimension And the follow-up, on all Meta-emotional skills scale dimensions and the total score For scale, which means continued improvement in Students Experimental group until follow-up period
It is clear from the results sitting The four First verification The goal of developing meta-emotional awareness Where, by contemplation and observation to And at spilled colors Using acrylic paints, the study sample members perceived formal connotations that were between (face, rose, boy, butterfly, eye, fish) that were written below each picture, and a line was also defined for the perceived shape in white.
In the following four sessions, it was achieved. Goal administration Meta-emotional, where after the show Board at the A Colors of the spilled Which were digitally processed as a part of the researchers’ efforts to demonstrate the ability to Planning and administration the emotion And decision-making, by confirming the perceived shapes in their work, the result of the first four sessions, with the freedom to color the shape itself or the background of the shape, and from the result of the pictures we find that most of the sample members colored and confirmed the shape itself, and this indicates their confidence in themselves in making the decision.
In the last four sessions, it was achieved .goal Meta-emotional evaluation, where after photographing and printing the sample works and distributing them to them again and directing them to contemplate the other’s painting and evaluate the formal indications in each work using a yellow marker pen to confirm their feelings, we find that all sample members accepted each other’s shapes resulting from their emotions with the poured color groups by a percentage exceeding 98%, and less than 2% of them added some simple details to some shapes such as showing an eye or the number of fingers, or a butterfly’s wing or a bird’s legs or a braid of hair. It was not observed that any shape or part of it was deleted, which shows the acceptance of each other’s emotions in formulating and confirming the shape with the work, as is clear from (Figure 10).
Then came the results of the art-based sessions. Porcelain To confirm the effectiveness of the therapeutic program with plastic arts, as the result of merging the clays (merged porcelain) and making a set of ceramic slices with many overlapping colors, which are consistent with the outputs of pouring colors in the art of Painting with different materials, it was noted that there was an emotional state for the deaf students in the study sample while merging the multi-colored clays, resulting in a set of square, circular, rectangular and star-shaped ceramic tiles. It contains visual perceptions with expressive and abstract features .Thus, the goal of development is achieved .Meta-emotional consciousness And in the next session, check .goal administration Meta-emotional, Using the thin metal wire in making the decision to make sections and slices of various thicknesses from the compact clay block. In the last session, it was achieved goal Meta-emotional evaluation by distributing the resulting ceramic tiles to the sample members in an intentional manner so that each student takes the work of the other, and evaluating the formal connotations and effects present in the ceramic tiles. It was noted that the students did not add, delete or confirm new vocabulary on the tiles, and each of them accepted the emotion of his colleague in formulating and confirming the effects and textures in the ceramic tile. From the above, it is clear that the program based on plastic arts - the fields of (Painting and ceramics) - is effective in developing the meta-emotional skills of the deaf students in the study sample in the preparatory stage.
Establishing an art therapy unit for psychological rehabilitation I Students Deaf in Stage Preparatory in the websites of the education departments in the Arab world. Procedure more of the studies art therapy on other categories of people with special needs. Conduct ongoing meetings with parents Students with low meta-emotional skills and their introduction to the treatment program. Preparation Guidance programs before Specialists In special education for parents Students with low meta-emotional skills. Interested in guidance programs? That Improvement of various negative emotional states for deaf students which depends on games and artistic group activities.
The researchers thank the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Faisal University in Al-Asha Governorate for its material and moral support in financing this research no. (KFU242207).
1Department of Art Education, College of Education, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
2Department of Special Education, Faculty of Special Education, Misr University for Science and Technology Egypt
Send correspondence to:
Yasser Mohamed Fadl Ebrahem
Department of Art Education, College of Education, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, E-mail:;
Paper submitted on October 11, 2024; and Accepted on October 21, 2024
Citation: Yasser Mohamed Fadl Ebrahem. The effectiveness of a program based on visual arts in developing meta-emotional skills among students Deaf in Preparatory stage. Int Tinnitus J. 2024;28(1): 235-250.